We are certainly in those long, sweaty dog days of summer, and in the world of subs & pubs this often means scratching our head wondering... who's still open? or who's reopening? So I did a quick & dirty search of 201 lit mags in hopes of creating a helpful cheat sheet.
A couple caveats to keep in mind:
* This reflects a search from 07/28/22 -- 08/04/22. Things may have already changed in some places (e.g. some mags close as soon as Submittable caps are reached).
* I'm looking at fiction only, these don't necessarily reflect poetry, CNF, etc.
* These may not take into account contests or specific themed calls. For the most part, this reflects general submissions.
* I hope this is a helpful starting point, but of course please read full submission guidelines before submitting.
* Apologies to mags not on the list. I promise it's nothing personal.

A Public Space: CLOSED
A-Minor: OPEN
Adroit Journal: CLOSED
AGNI: CLOSED (opening 9/01)
Alaska Quarterly Review: CLOSED
Alien Magazine: CLOSED (opening 10/01)
American Literary Review: CLOSED (opening 9/01)
American Short Fiction: CLOSED (opening 9/01)
Anti-Heroin Chic: OPEN
Arts & Letters: OPEN
Atlas + Alice: CLOSED
Atticus Review: CLOSED
Baltimore Review: CLOSED
Bandit Fiction: CLOSED
Barrellhouse: CLOSED
Barren Magazine: CLOSED
Bat City Review: OPEN (closing 9/30)
Bellingham Review: CLOSED (opening 9/15)
Bending Genres: OPEN
Berkeley Fiction Review: CLOSED (opening 8/18)
Birdseed: OPEN
Black Warrior Review: OPEN (closing 9/01)
Blue Mesa Review: CLOSED (opening 10/01)
Bluestem: OPEN (closing 8/15)
Bodega: OPEN
Boulevard: CLOSED (opening 11/01)
Brilliant Flash Fiction: OPEN
Capsule Stories: OPEN
Catapult: CLOSED
Cease, Cows: CLOSED
Cheap Pop: CLOSED
Chestnut Review: OPEN
Chicago Review: CLOSED (opening 10/01)
Cincinnati Review: OPEN (micros only, longer fiction opens 9/01)
Citron Review: OPEN (closing 12/06)
Cleaver Magazine: OPEN
Cobra Milk: OPEN
Colorado Review: OPEN
Columbia Journal: CLOSED
The Common: CLOSED (opening 9/01)
Conjunctions: CLOSED
Copper Nickel: CLOSED (opening 9/01)
Cotton Xenomorph: CLOSED
Crab Creek Review: CLOSED (opening 9/15)
Cream City Review: OPEN (closing 11/01)
Denver Quarterly: CLOSED (opening 10/01)
Door is a Jar: OPEN
The Drabble: OPEN
Electric Lit: CLOSED (opening 8/22)
Ellipsis Zine: CLOSED
Empty House Press: OPEN
Every Day Fiction: OPEN
Exposition Review: CLOSED (opening 9/15)
Fairy Tale Review: CLOSED
FEED: CLOSED (opening 9/01)
Fiction Southeast: OPEN
Fictive Dream: OPEN
Five Points: OPEN
Five South: CLOSED (opening 9/01)
FlashBack Fiction: CLOSED
Flash Boulevard: OPEN
Flash Fiction Magazine: OPEN
Flash Fiction Online: OPEN
Flash Frog: OPEN
Flash Frontier: OPEN
Florida Review: OPEN
The Forge: OPEN
Fourteen Hills: CLOSED
Fractured Lit: OPEN
F(r)iction: OPEN
Funicular: CLOSED
Gargoyle: CLOSED
Georgia Review: CLOSED (opening 8/15)
Ghost Parachute: OPEN
Gone Lawn: OPEN
Gordon Square Review: OPEN (closing 10/01)
Greensboro Review: CLOSED (opening 12/15)
Guernica: OPEN
Gulf Coast: CLOSED (opening 9/01)
Harpoon Review: OPEN
Hayden's Ferry Review: CLOSED
Heavy Feather Review: OPEN
Hobart: OPEN
Iowa Review: OPEN (closing 10/01)
Indiana Review: CLOSED (opening 9/01)
Invisible City: CLOSED (opening 9/16)
Janus Literary: CLOSED (opening 10/01)
Jellyfish Review: CLOSED
Jet Fuel Review: CLOSED (opening 8/15)
JMWW: OPEN (closing 8/15)
Joyland: OPEN
Juked: OPEN
Kenyon Review: CLOSED (opening 9/01)
Lascaux Review: OPEN
LEON Literary Review: CLOSED (opening 9/15)
Literally Stories: OPEN
Litro Magazine: OPEN
Longleaf Review: OPEN (closing 8/31)
Los Angeles Review: OPEN
Lost Balloon: CLOSED (opening 2023)
Lumiere Review: CLOSED
Lunch Ticket: OPEN (closing 9/01)
(mac)ro(mic): OPEN
Maudlin House: OPEN
McSweeney's: OPEN
Michigan Quarterly Review: OPEN (closing 11/01)
Mid-American Review: OPEN
Midnight Breakfast: CLOSED
Midway Journal: CLOSED (opening 2023)
Milk Candy Review: OPEN
Minnesota Review: CLOSED (opening 8/15)
Missouri Review: OPEN
Molotov Cocktail: OPEN
Monkeybicycle: OPEN
Moon City Review: OPEN
MoonPark Review: OPEN
Moss Puppy: OPEN (closing 10/01)
Nashville Review: CLOSED (opening 9/01)
Necessary Fiction: OPEN
New England Review: CLOSED (opening 09/01)
New Flash Fiction Review: CLOSED
New Orleans Review: OPEN
Nimrod: CLOSED
Ninth Letter: CLOSED (opening 9/01)
No Contact: CLOSED
No Tokens: CLOSED
North American Review: CLOSED (opening 11/01)
Northwest Review: CLOSED (opening 8/15)
The Offing: CLOSED
Okay Donkey: OPEN
One Story: CLOSED (opening 10/04)
Paris Review: CLOSED (opening 9/01)
Passages North: CLOSED (opening 9/01)
Peatsmoke: OPEN
Penn Review: CLOSED (opening 10/01)
Pidgeonholes: CLOSED (opening 10/01)
The Pinch: OPEN
Pithead Chapel: OPEN
Pleiades: CLOSED
Ploughshares: CLOSED (opening 2023)
Pop Shot: CLOSED
Porcupine Lit: OPEN
Porter House Review: CLOSED
Portland Review: CLOSED
Post Road: CLOSED
Prairie Schooner: CLOSED
Reckon Review: OPEN (closing 11/30)
Rio Grande Review: CLOSED (opening 9/01)
River Styx: CLOSED
The Rumpus: OPEN (closing 8/31)
The Rupture: CLOSED
Salamander: CLOSED (opening 10/01)
Salt Hill: OPEN (closing 9/30)
Sewanee Review: CLOSED (opening 9/01)
Short Fiction: CLOSED
SmokeLong Quarterly: OPEN
Sonora Review: CLOSED
South Dakota Review: CLOSED (opening 9/01)
Southern Review: CLOSED (opening 10/01)
Southwest Review: CLOSED
Spartan Lit: OPEN (closing 8/31)
Split Lip Magazine: OPEN
Splonk: CLOSED
Spry: OPEN
The Sun: OPEN
Superfroot Magazine: CLOSED
Superstition Review: OPEN (closing 8/31)
Sycamore Review: CLOSED (opening 9/01)
Taco Bell Quarterly: OPEN (closing 9/05)
Tahoma Review: OPEN
Tampa Review: CLOSED (opening 9/01)
Third Coast: CLOSED (opening 9/15)
Threepenny Review: CLOSED (opening 2023)
Timber: CLOSED (opening 10/01)
Tiny Molecules: OPEN
trampset: OPEN
TriQuarterly: CLOSED (opening 10/01)
Versification: OPEN
Virginia Quarterly Review: CLOSED (opening 2023)
Vol. 1 Brooklyn: OPEN
Washington Square Review: OPEN
Waxwing Review: OPEN
West Branch: OPEN
West Review: OPEN
Whale Road Review: CLOSED (opening 12/15)
Wigleaf: CLOSED (opening final week of Aug)
Willow Springs: CLOSED (opening 9/01)
Wisconsin Review: OPEN
Wrongdoing Magazine: OPEN (closing 8/31)
X-R-A-Y Literary Magazine: CLOSED
Yale Review: CLOSED
Zoetrope: All-Story: CLOSED
Zone 3: OPEN
ZYZZYVA: CLOSED (opening 12/01)
100 Word Story: CLOSED (opening 9/01)
805 Lit + Art: OPEN
Good luck and happy subbing!